Continental Breakfast |
Firewalls in an Educational Environment
We will describe the primary uses of firewalls in an educational setting, recommend several models and brands and compare their features, costs and ease of management. We also describe options for managing firewalls: in-house staff, vendor maintenance agreements and outsourced IT services.
We will discuss how firewalls are used to blacklist or whitelist individual websites or categories (gambling, porn, YouTube, etc.) and/or monitor user’s web activity; block security incursions; protect against viruses, spam, etc.; prioritize bandwidth for VoIP traffic; limit bandwidth use for individual users; establish rules for accessing the network, (i.e., guest network vs internal network), etc.
Length: 60 minutes
Audience: Systems
Other Audience: Networking, security, general audience
Databases & SQL Basics
Scott Harpster and Jeff Smith
Abstract This class if for beginners. Learn about databases and how to write SQL queries to read and manipulate data.
We’ll be covering the different types of databases that exist. Using MySQL we’ll learn how to write basic queries to extract and insert data. The different data types for table creation and how to create tables. How the relationships between the tables work. Indexing and why we need indexes. How to export and import data and create backups.
Length: 120 minutes
Audience: General Audience
Intro to Routing and Switching
Mt. States |
Securing 1:1 Initiatives and BYOD
How educational institutions can deal with the security implications of 1:1 initiatives and challenges with BYOD.
We will explore in depth the security challenges that education institions face with 1:1 initiatives and BYOD with a focus on enforcing security policies on iOS and Android devices.
Length: 30 minutes
Audience: Security
Other Audience: Networking
VMWare Lab - Open
The VMWare Lab will be an open setting where participants can come and go as they please and engage in various VMWare hands-on-labs. Refer here for an idea of the possibilities.
Virtualization Infrastructure
Brett Tarbox and Bryce Fox
How server and desktop virtualization secures and simplifies your computing environment. Hear about the lessons learned at the University of Utah.
Virtualization Infrastructure
- Hardware
- XenServer
- XenApp & XenDesktop
- Provisioning
- Simplicity Benefits
- Security Benefits
- Experience & Success
- Future Direction (VDI)
Length: 60 minutes
Audience: General Audience
Other Audience: Particular interest to Systems, Labs, Security, and IT Management
iBoss - New Filter Intro
Wes Furgason |
Student Satisfaction Through Canvas Organization
Andy Black
Abstract This presentation will demonstrate how to use Modules within the Canvas LMS to provide course organization and increase student satisfaction.
Instructure Canvas is designed to be an open Learning Management System (LMS) allowing faculty to design and deliver courses in many different manners. Students, however, often provide feedback about their frustration in the amount of time they have to spend digging through their courses trying to figure out what work is required. In some cases, they have missed assignments or discussion submissions because there was no indication that the work was required.
Within the University of Utah College of Nursing, we have been working to standardize our use of the Canvas LMS, building all content within the course Modules. This presentation will demonstrate how this organization is done, and the benefits students have seen in using this method.
Length: 30 minutes
Audience: Other
Other Audience: Faculty
Improving Critical
Thinking for Phishing
Targeted Users
Beth Sallay
Why are users trained in internet security issues still falling for email phishing scams? To study the effectiveness of these types of trainings an ‘official’ yet generic email message is sent to a group of targeted users to see who bites. The results while interesting are also incredibly worrisome. For every test phish message sent out there are a percentage of users who fail. Are they not critically evaluating these messages or on some kind of internet auto-pilot? How can we teach them to not fall prey? Can we discover a common thread among these people and help them to recognize these threats for what they are?
Length: 30 minutes
Audience: General Audience
Spanning Tree What am I using it for?
Robert Schmoyer
At Nebo we have different vendor switches. In general the switches that we buy now by default come with spanning tree turned on. What I have found is that the default spanning tree for each can be different. This means that Default spanning tree configuration is not always right. In general if you are going to use spanning tree it is important to understand what spanning tree you are using and be consistent in your configuration. I will discuss Spanning Tree, Rapid Spanning Tree, Multiple Vlan (Rapid) Spanning Tree, PVST+.
Length: 30 Minutes
Audience: IT Tech/IT Admin/IT Engineers
Lunch |
iboss - New Filter Indepth
Wes Furgason |
Automated Network Discovery with NeDi
Tristan Rhodes
Abstract Nedi is a powerful tool that automatically discovers the devices on your network, locates your users, backup the configuration of your network equipment, provide a topology map, and much, much, more!
This session will help you install and configure Nedi on your network.
Preparing for the session:
1) Download the NeDiVa virtual appliance (OVF format) and import into your virtual infrastructure
2) Enable SSH and SNMP on all your network devices (if not already done).
3) Make sure your Nedi appliance can access your devices with SNMP and SSH. Edit access control lists (ACL) if necessary.
During Session:
1) Demo of Nedi features and functionality
2) Configure Nedi to discover network equipment
3) Troubleshoot any issues with Discovery
Length: 60 minutes
Audience: Networking |
Cisco CCNA Boot Camp
Mt. States |
VMWare Lab - Open |
Wireless That Just Works
Keith Parsons
Abstract Ever been asked why your school Wi-Fi doesn't work as good as it does at someone's home? Come learn the answer why, and how you can make your school Wi-Fi be as fast, secure and easy as home Wi-Fi, and yet still manageable.
- Quick overview about what type of network device an Access Point is.
- Differences between wired and wireless networking.
- Security and authentication options with today's enterprise Access Points.
- Demonstration of a BYOD solution live during the session for all attendees using their own smartphones and tablets.
- Things to NOT do with Wi-Fi
If there is time, we'll also do a quick review of the vendor-independent Wi-Fi Stress Testing conducted in January at Canyons School District.
Length: 60 minutes
Audience: Networking
Other Audience: Those who want great Wireless Access in their schools.
Fun with FlowDoh!
Tristan Rhodes and Stephen Rippon
FlowDoh is an NFSEN plugin that visually shows the current top-talkers on your network. It also records historical values so you can know if the top talkers are abnormal or normal traffic.
FlowDoh can be used for multiple purposes:
- Find hacked servers on your network
- Identify users who are hogging bandwidth (such as peer-to-peer file-sharing)
- Create a baseline of network statistics about your servers
Length: 30 minutes
Audience: Security
Snacks/Break |
FreeRADIUS & Google Authenticator
Jeremy Cox
Abstract Free dual factor authentication for your routers, switches and VPNs using FreeRADIUS and Google Authenticator. Participants will need VMWare, VirtualBox, or other VM platform loaded with a default install of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Server Version.
Google Authenticator is a great free dual factor authentication system. "The Google Authenticator project includes implementations of one-time passcode generators for several mobile platforms". It can be used in conjunction with FreeRADIUS to provide Free 2 factor authentication, something that usually costs a ton of money.
This all works because of a library called PAM. PAM is "Pluggable Authentication Modules" for Linux system user and password authentication. For more information on PAM. Google Authenticator has a PAM module that is included as part of the project. PAM is the glue that allows FreeRADIUS to talk to Google Authenticator.
FreeRADIUS is a popular open source radius server. Radius is a standardized authentication system that can be used to authenticate many different devices including VPNs, Routers, Switches, Computers, and much more. More information on FreeRADIUS .
For more info please see the FreeRADIUS & Google Authenticator tutorial on my website.
Length: 90 minutes
Audience: Networking
Cisco CCNA Boot Camp
Mt. States |
VMWare Lab - Open |
Beyond Access: Doing More With Wi-Fi
Aruba Networks
In this workshop Andy Logan and Dan Sinema from Aruba
Networks will talk about the need for WiFi networks to provide more than just access. They'll talk about integrating AppleTV and AirPlay printers,
the different options for BYOD, Mobile Device Management (MDM) and a new
capability called Mobile Application Management (MAM). Aruba's solutions
are designed for multi-vendor environments with the focus on providing
role-based access in a secure and scalable way.
Length: 2 hours including Q & A
Audience: IT professionals responsible for WiFi and the overall design &
integration of WiFi into the core network.
Jonathan Karras and Luke Jenkins |
Optional Evening Activity:
The Leonardo